108 research outputs found


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    Starting from selfknowing and the law of correspondence (the behaviour from the outside of one person is the reflection of its inside feelings) the authors try to define the meaning of proactivity. It is underlined that as we have the quality to be human beings we are responsible for our lives. The proactive persons do not blame the environment or the circumstances to justify their behaviour. As it was implanted in the literature of management, the meaning of proactivity is based on initiative, on responsibilities and actions; this gives priority to values in front of any feelings.proactiv, reactiv, responsability, rationalism, hope, fulfilment of life


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    The environment is negatively influenced by the intensive use of resources. Changes in consumption and production modes, by reducing the resources used, can lead to more resource-efficient use. However, the depletion of natural resources may lead to an increase in the amount of waste. This article makes an analysis of how waste is generated and treated. Sustainable development of a community can be based on a good use of resources. The health of community members and the quality of their lives depend on environmental concerns. People's activities are negatively influenced by climate change. These can lead to changes in the way electricity is produced, but also in terms of electricity consumption. In this context, the article presents the evolution of electricity production as well as electricity consumption in industry

    As a pattern of a healthy university organization

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    In the quality of the living organism,inside where is actting one of the most important functions of the community – education, the educational organizations are in a health shape as long as their functioning is linked to normal and wished sense of human life in society, being a part of its fulfilment. The health of the university organization has to be conceived, done and used as the pattern of the education we done supply the fulfilment of human life as a part of our common living. In our oppinion, education in general, an the higher education in special, is responsible for the pozitive gain of human cognition, and for the negative gain of it. The difficult problems that life has to face at the level of our hole common living, are the consequences of human actions. In order to stop the unfavorable stream of our common evolution is essential to re-spiritualize the process of the education on the whole organic levels of it. The goal of our study is to make a research at the level of high scool graduates, their parents and higher education students linked to the involvement of higher education and its challange that we named it „healthy education”. Starting from these points we wished to validate by this research applied over the main beneficiaries of the educational process (students, would be students and their parents) which are the main characteristics of a healthy university organization, seen by the paradigma of the whole common living.peer-reviewe

    Mononuclear Cu(II) complexes of novel salicylidene Schiff bases: synthesis and mesogenic properties

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    Two new Schiff base ligands 1 and 2 (where 1 = 4-(2-hydroxybenzilidenamino)-phenyl-4-(decyloxy)-2-(pent-4-enyloxy)benzoate, 2 = 4-(4-(decyloxy)-2-hydroxybenziliden amino)-phenyl-4-(decyloxy)-2-(pent-4-enyloxy)benzoate) and their copper (Cu)(II) complexes have been synthesised and characterised. The derivatives were fully characterised structurally, and their mesomorphic behaviour was investigated by polarised optical microscopyand differential scanning calorimetry. The structure of Cu(II) complex having 1 as ligand (3) was determined by X-ray diffraction. The Schiff base ligands exhibit enantiotropic nematic phases, the Cu(II) complex 4 shows monotropic nematic phase behaviour, while compound 3 does not show mesomorphism


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    Sustainable development can be achieved by increasing the role played by education. At the same time, sustainable development contributes to improving the quality of life. The article presents an analysis of adult involvement in the learning process both in Romania and in the member countries of the European Union. At the same time, due to the importance of pupils' participation in the education and training process, the article analyzes the dynamics of pupils participating in the education system. Globalization has produced changes in the labor market. Both economic growth and economic development can be achieved by investing in human resources. In view of the rapid technological developments in the globalization era, the article analyzes from a regional point of view the dynamics of labor resources

    The complexity of the living entity - a new paradigm

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    The authors of this paper consider themselves as adepts of Adler’s theory sustaining the idea that human beings cannot authentically progress outside the acknowledgement of their feelings and interconnectedness for living and work activities as parts of the whole society. Following this point of view, the achievement of all necessities of life, inside the society, is a systemic process of consciousness supposing the freedom as an assumed responsibility. From this perspective, the humanity should switch from the knowledge based society’s concepts to those of the application of assumed responsibility where scientific knowledge becomes a must to knowing and evaluating the whole living soundness at any level (individuals, family, official entities and authorities, communities, environment). We will use the term of network effect generated by the communication for the whole living of the national academic society facing deep challenges and transformations. This way we intend to promote the re-spiritualization of the education under a national program, so that the durable change be produced and proved, from the inside to the outside of our daily societal life . Working on a model to set up a new way to measuring the soundness of any whole living, we are applying the model to determine the soundness of an university; to understand the evolution of the whole it is necessary to study the evolution and reaction of its components.peer-reviewe

    Ultrasonography as a New, Non-Invasive Imagistic Technique Used for the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that involves the skin, nails, joints and other organs, being a systemic disease. Regardless of the clinical form, sonography can be effectively used to complete the clinical diagnosis

    Behavior of bipyridine derivative Cu(I) complexes in donor solvents

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    Cu(I) complexes are known as highly emissive compounds having interesting fluorescence applications[1].Theluminescence is generated by more intense metal to ligand charge transfer (MLCT) electronic transitions for Cu(I), affording longer excited-statelifetimes compared to transient d-d excited state of Cu(II)[2].Herein we report the behavior of two bipyridine derivative Cu(I) complexes containing phenanthroline and biquinoline ligands, respectively, in donor solvents as dimethylsulfoxide and acetonitrile.The Cu(I) phenanthroline complex (1) is unstable in solution,due to oxidation of Cu(I) to Cu(II) in time, accompanied by change in coordination geometry from tetrahedral to trigonal bipyramidal. The Cu(I) biquinoline complex (2) is more stable in donor solvents,the stability increasing at low temperatures with the stabilization of tetragonal geometry of Cu(I).In case of biquinoline ligand, this kind of geometry is stabilized by the bulky aryl substituentsatαposition with respect to the pyridine nitrogen

    Virtual monitors vs. physical monitors: an empirical comparison for productivity work

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    Virtual monitors can display information through a head-worn display when a physical monitor is unavailable or provides insufficient space. Low resolution and restricted field of view are common issues of these displays. Such issues reduce readability and peripheral vision, leading to increased head movement when we increase the display size. This work evaluates the performance and user experience of a virtual monitor setup that combines software designed to minimize graphical transformations and a high-resolution virtual reality head-worn display. Participants performed productivity work across three approaches: Workstation, which is often used at office locations and consists of three side-by-side physical monitors; Laptop, which is often used in mobile locations and consists of a single physical monitor expanded with multiple desktops; and Virtual, our prototype with three side-by-side virtual monitors. Results show that participants deemed Virtual faster, easier to use, and more intuitive than Laptop, evidencing the advantages of head and eye glances over full content switches. They also confirm the existence of a gap between Workstation and Virtual, as Workstation achieved the highest user experience. We conclude with design guidelines obtained from the lessons learned in this study

    Homoleptic and heteroleptic pt(II) complexes with potential biological activity

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    Metal complexes used as pharmaceuticals have received great attention because of their potential biological activity. The chemistry of platinum(II) complexes has been widely developed since the cytostatic activity of cis-diaminodichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin) has been discovered [1]. Moreover, transition metal complexes containing planar polycyclic aromatic systems intercalate between the stacked base pairs of DNA. The biological activity of both cis- and trans-diamine Pt(II) complexes is dramatically enhanced by the presence of aromatic intercalator ligands, due to the influence on both kinetics and thermodynamics of DNA binding [2,3]. The chemistry of Pt(II) complexes is highly versatile, permitting the design and synthesis of a large variety of different structures. By ‘smart’ molecular engineering, new structures are programmed and obtained continuously, in an attempt to overcome the drawbacks of the cisplatinum like tumor resistance, or to lessening unpredictable and severe nephrotoxicity and/or providing oral bioavailability. Herein, new Pt(II) complexes as DNA intercalators were synthesized and characterized aiming to follow their structure – activity relationships. The synthesis and characterization of the complexes will be presented